Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

In the website I picked the topic of same sex marriage. Through out the whole United States 60% said yes and about 28% said they don’t accept. The 60% of people who said yes, say that people have the right to love even if its the opposite sex. Also, they said love is love and should be expressed in different ways. Liberty and Justice for all. The 28% that had said no, say that the marriage of gay isn’t holy because its not a sacrament of the church and that gay marriage is immoral and wrong because it’s between men and women only. In Illinois there is more people who accept this law then those who don’t because love is hard to find and should be celebrated no matter what. Even in Chicago there is more who believe that everyone should fall in love with whoever they please. Some church’s are against gay beliefs because god did not create man to love man but that’s an opinion. In all races the yes category is more lager than the no the reason being is because people know that we have our own beliefs we can’t just change our minds,why brother and hurt something that we each believe in. Just support and love. The income they say the government should be taken out of the marriage and make it a religious decision. Overall gay marriage is a beautiful commitment that is made.

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