Father’s Day

Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. We celebrate this holiday because we honor fathers and fatherhood. The way we celebrate father’s Day is by taking them out and making them feel special because they play a big role in our life’s. A lot of people might not know the celebration has a religious born out of tragedy one of that serves as a remainder to cherish the fathers on our lives. Christians usually are the ones who celebrate this holiday. “I am really not looking forward to Father’s Day. ” This quote is what some people have in mind when the holiday gets closer. It’s hard because you don’t have them by your side on a day you want them to be. In my house we don’t really celebrate any type of holiday so seriously because my father says ” treat this day like any-other, its just a regular day nothing new”. The reason why he says that is because he says “everyday is a holiday”. In my opinion I feel like we should continue celebrating this holiday because we don’t usually appreciate what our parents do for us until there no longer with us. That’s when we realize our parents are here for a reason and we should always remind them how much we love them.

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